Application for Employment
Please Scroll Down and Fill out the Short Form at the bottom of the page, so we know you’re interested.
After filling out the short form, Please download the full Employment Application, fill it out, and then Email it back to us, or print it out and bring it in. New or Existing Employees See 2024 Personnel Handbook and EEOC Statement
Any Questions Please Call and ask to speak with the Business office.
The completed application can be emailed to, mailed to PO Box 459 or delivered to 109 N 2nd Street, Newman Grove, NE 68758.
Now Hiring for RN and LPN
Mid-Nebraska Lutheran Home and Newman House is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Please complete the form the best that you can. Printed Version Available upon request.
Directions: Mid-Nebraska Lutheran Home and Newman House is an Equal Opportunity Employer. MNLH Does not have an English Language only rule. This application should be filled in completely. If a question does not pertain to you please write “N/A” in that space. The answers that you provide on your application will be carefully checked for truthfulness and accuracy. When you are finished filling out the application please review prior to submitting it. Our company is an equal opportunity employer whose policy is to select the most qualified candidates for a job, without regard to race, religion, color, sex, national origin, gender, age, or marital status, history of disability. Please advise us if you need any accommodations to assist you in the application process. Click here for EEOC Employment practices.
Mid-Nebraska Lutheran Home Employment Application